miercuri, 28 septembrie 2016

Tourwizard.net is the best real estate virtual tour creator

There are times when you need to reevaluate the software and the things you are using in doing your job and this happens due to the fact that you need to improve your performances from time to time

Also it is very important to observe how technology catches with every industry and makes a real big difference in the way it all works when it does? It’s like a game changer for every player and nothing is done the same after that. The real estate business was not the case. For a long period of time selling a house was a important process that demanded a lot of your time and effort. Until now, because technology caught up with this industry as well and it’s forever changing it. The technology is provided by tourwizard.net and I’ll describe what it does.

A couple of years agoyou had to contact an agent who would make some pictures of your house, put it in his portfolio and try to sell it or you tried on your own to find clients trough different tactics like newspaper ad or all sorts of things. This involved time and a lot of effort. When someone presumably interested in is would want to see it, you had to make it for each and everyone. Tourwizard.net offers a new way of doing things for the buyer and the also for the seller.

Now you are not needed to send a lot of pictures of that property inside and outside from every room and a lot on angles. After that the program uses those photos to create a 3D virtual tour of that particular house or apartment. This whole process is finished in 15 minutes. After that your site is ready to go and everyone interested can take a tour of the house. Support is offered for every step of the process and even after that, in marketing and trying to find leads for your house. A whole marketing team with experience will make sure you get most of any kind of real estate building or apartment that needs to be sold.

marți, 13 septembrie 2016

De ce este indicat sa folosesc camere spion

Camerele spion nu mai sunt specifice astazi doar filmelor cu detectivi, ci sunt mult mai accesibile si se pot regasi in locuintele oricui. Preturile sunt mai mici decat in trecut, iar cei interesati au la dispozitie o multime de variante din care pot alege.
Numeroase forme
Aceste camere spion pot fi instalate in orice obiect, astfel ca cele mai banale lucruri iti pot fi de folos de acum. Se gasesc mouse-uri cu camere spion, pixuri, stilouri, ochelari, papioane, lampi, flori, guri de aerisire, iar asemenea obiecte cu siguranta ca nu vor starni suspiciuni celorlalti.
Mai multa protectie
Aceste dispozitive sunt ideale pentru cei care vor sa isi protejeze atat locuinta, cat si bunurile de la locul de munca. Musafirii nepoftiti nu vor sti ca sunt inregistrati, astfel ca vor putea opera nestingheriti, fiind mai predispusi sa lase in urma probe ale actiunilor lor si vor putea fi prinsi mult mai usor. De asemenea, dispozitivele sunt ideale si la birou atunci cand vrei sa stii ce fac ceilalti angajati dupa plecarea ta si cat de mult muncesc.
Usor de folosit
Camerele spion sunt mult mai moderne astazi, astfel ca imaginile capturate sunt de o calitate ireprosabila, rezolutia fiind Full HD, in timp ce nici calitatea sunetului nu va lasa de dorit. In functie de tipul de camera ales, dispozitivul va putea beneficia de propriul sistem de stocare, pe care utilizatorii trebuie sa il verifice adesea pentru a nu se umple. In schimb, alte camere functioneaza non stop, iar dupa ce capacitatea de stocare este plina, incep sa fie sterse capturile initiale.

Totusi, mult mai confortabil este ca imaginile capturate sa poata fi stocate in cloud, unde limitele sunt mult mai generoase, astfel ca oricand se vor putea urmari de la distanta imaginile inregistrate acasa, la locul de munca sau in masina.